Pakistan Floods

Pakistan Floods

Tents to help Pakistan flood relief efforts

We had a cake sale last term in aid of the devastating floods in Pakistan which raised over £2300 with donations. Here is a report from on the ground as to how this money has been used to help those affected.

I have just received the report from our team in Pakistan. The people on the ground decide that the best use of the funds would be for tents so the entire donation was used on providing shelter. The really good news is that they managed to procure the items more cost effectively than projected and so managed to purchase and distribute 175 tents in total.In some of the areas our team worked, we were the only people that had provided any kind of humanitarian assistance since the flooding whatsoever. Whilst the situation in Pakistan no longer makes the headline news, the legacy of this devastating flood casts a long shadow indeed. 

Thank you to the generous Cargilfield community, and everyone who participated in trying to alleviate the suffering of these poor people.

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