U9 Lions Netball v Fettes

A draw! Well played, girls!

U9 Lions Netball v Fettes (A)

Drew 8-8

What a match! I needed quite the sit down after umpiring that! The court was not in a style that we were used to, with lower nets and smaller thirds, so much so that the girls found it very off putting in the first quarter. We were not without opportunity to shoot in that first 6 minutes, but dare I say that all our shooting practice meant the shots were too powerful. A super effort from Serena and Charlotte though, which eventually paid off with Charlotte scoring our first goal. Unfortunately, Fettes were on four goals at this point, which knocked our confidence. However, the resilience from the team was absolutely fantastic and rather than be defeated, we came back fighting; and boy did we put up a fight!

In the second quarter, and after a rotation, Eleora got herself right in the action, and with Esme on the edge ready to receive, the team continually made their presence known. Our second goal was secured by Eleora and within that time, Fettes scored one more too.

By the third quarter, the Lions were wise to the feelings of the smaller court and with Emilie as centre, we continued to pick up the pace. Emilie was fantastic at finding a space and being ready to receive the ball, setting up for both Polly and Imaan to score one a piece.

As we moved on to the final quarter, to which the score was 5-4 to Fettes, we knew we had to pull out all the stops. We played the last 6 minutes with superb skill and transition, from Serena as centre, to Emilie as GA, to Maria as GS, who then popped into the goal; four times! I am sure Fettes were rather pleased when the final whistle blew.

It was a fantastically paced match, with equal skills on either side; very well done both Fettes and Cargilfield.

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