P2 habitat hunting at Lauriston Castle

P2 habitat hunting at Lauriston Castle

Lots of learning outdoors!

P2 habitat hunting at Lauriston Castle

The P2 children had a fabulous trip this week to the beautiful grounds of Lauriston Castle. The blossom was in full bloom and the sun was shining. A perfect day for habitat hunting! Armed with iPads the children worked in teams to take photos of as many interesting habitats as they could find. Bonus points were given for spotting animals. Being still and silent was the key. We found waterfalls, rivers, ponds, rocks and bamboo in their Japanese garden. A wander through tunnels of trees helped us to spot a huge range of ancient trees and bushes. We even found a rabbit burrow near the castle apiary. The bees were awake and busy around their hives. So much to see and hear, not to mention some great trees to climb and play in. The trip was topped off by rolling down a grassy hill and ending up in a giggling heap at the bottom. We have all decided that being outdoors is definitely one of the most peaceful places to be and our eyes have been opened to the beauty of the nature that is around us. 

Group in front of apiary

Group in front of catsle

Group under blossom tree

Girls by the waterfall

Ellie and catherine taking photo

Elesha and Calvin taking photos

Daniel, Zariah and tobias

Charlie , elesha and alexandra

Luca, Izzy and Alexandra

Izzy Yara and Eleana by pond

Yara and Luca with ipads

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