U13A Rounders lost to St Mary's

A tough game, girls!

U13A Rounders vs St Mary’s

Lost 17- 4 1/2

We faced a tough game today against St Mary’s, with a few of our key players involved in a cricket match.

However, Jess (supported by Savannah) had been thinking carefully about the positions and worked hard to keep the girls positive and enthusiastic.

Our first innings was pretty uneventful. We seemed very reluctant to take chances in running to 2nd base. This mean that we only scored half a rounder (well done Bea P). St Mary’s were much more punchy when their turn came to bat and they steadily clocked up runs. Even though Jess made a super catch and 2 more of their players were stumped out, by the end of the innings they had 10 rounders.

In the second innings we very much repeated what we had done before. There was a lot of very effective play from the St Mary’s fielders especially around 2nd base which prevented us from scoring. St Mary’s carried on where they had left off with another high scoring innings. Jess managed two catches, Valentina took one as backstop and Julia one in the deep field.

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