U11A Rounders beat St Mary's

A super team performance!

The weather was definitely on our side, with dry conditions as we got ready to bat first. Ceci started us off on fine form, scoring a rounder. This gave us a great boost and we knew then, we were in for a solid match. Anjelinaa continued with a half rounder, closely followed by Athena. St Mary’s fielded well but a loss of confidence in their bowler meant we gained a number of rounders due to no-balls. Our second innings of batting was less successful in that we scored less rounders. However, unfortunately their bowler still couldn’t get into their stride and we scored three and half rounders due to no balls again. Both innings had us score 6 rounders a time.

However, what I really want to comment on was the astonishing level of fielding within this team. The coach from St Mary’s was blown away by the sheer confidence and ability to run in to catch a ball. Our first innings of fielding alone saw Lottie, Ceci, Olivia, Zinnia and Emily B (twice!) catch batters out. Out of a team of 9, that didn’t leave much for them to score with! I was also so proud of how they communicated with each other. When Clara ran out to get a ball from the deep, Lottie smoothly ran to her place, ready to catch her throw; player stumped out. Scarlett was superb on 2nd, with Anjelinaa, Freya and Emily M playing fantastic supporting roles in the deep.

I can honestly say they were a pleasure to watch, especially seeing them work together as a team; well done, girls!


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