Cargilfield is 150 years old!

Cargilfield is 150 years old!

A special birthday celebration!

On Tuesday 19th September, we celebrated the official 150th anniversary of Cargilfield opening its doors to the first few boys who joined the school, in Rev Charles Darnell's house in Trinity on 19th September 1873.  We took part in a Foundation Day Service in Chapel where we welcomes Mrs Mortimer, the Warden to Glenalmond, to preach, which was attended by former pupils, parents and also some Governors.  It was lovely to welcome one old boy who had been at Cargilfield in its Centenary year in 1973, and who subsequently sent his two children to Cargilfield.

After the Service, the Pipe Band played in Ash Court and a new tree was planted in honour of the special occasion.

Thank you to everyone who took part in making our birthday such a memorable one!

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