P2 go wild with Donald

P2 go wild with Donald

Learning all about Scottish animals

P2 enjoyed an afternoon with Scottish zoologist Donald Mahone from Wildside Nature learning about the animals native to Scotland. Different stations were set up with skulls, bones and other items related to the vertebrate species such as mammals and birds. We went around each station examining the different artefacts and identifying which species they came from. We looked at a beaver pelt and saw its flat tail at the end. We learnt that beavers smack these in the water to warn other beavers. We saw its lower jaw with remnants of teeth that the beaver uses to strip away the bark from branches. Donald told us that beavers were hunted for their fur to make beaver hats and for the chemical castoreum which is used to make perfume and medicines. We learnt this chemical is secreted from castor sacs near their bottoms! Donald has had some amazing encounters with animals from all over the world. We enjoyed listening to his stories and learning lots of fascinating animal facts along the way.

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