P2 visit to Hopetoun House

P2 visit to Hopetoun House

Stepping back 150 years!

P2 had a fabulous time visiting Hopetoun House as part of Cargilfield’s 150th celebration. The children spent the morning learning what life was like to be a servant 150 years ago. The boys dressed up as butlers, valets, footmen and boot boys whilst the girls were transformed into lady’s maids, parlour maids, nursemaids, housemaids and the lowly scullery maid. Each servant knew their place and had a role to play. Our butlers, Tobias and Freddie, worked hard to keep their households in line and we practiced being seen but not heard as we navigated our way around the grand rooms and back corridors. The children tried their hands at dusting in the parlour and ‘skating’ to keep the marble floors clean in the great entrance hall. The footmen or ‘bumblebees’ did a great job of holding the doors open for everyone, although the scullery maids were not very impressed at the prospect of sleeping under the kitchen table. The children then moved on to their duties below the stairs, learning how to iron, wash clothes, polish shoes, cook and beat the carpets. They were less excited at the thought of carrying heavy buckets of boiling water up 100 steps just to fill the children’s bath. It’s all in a days work for a Victorian servant! The afternoon was spent trying out some traditional games, including diablo, skittles, skipping and quoits. Some were more challenging than others and it took great patience to catch the egg in a cup. The skittles matches were particularly competitive! To end with the children settled down to some calligraphy, writing their names using feathered pheasant quills. Completing their work without getting ink on their fingers was harder than it looked. The children were exhausted by the time we left and, although great fun was had, are thankful that times have changed. Flushing toilets, taps, electricity and washing machines will never be taken for granted again!

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Under the table

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Under the table



Girls up stairs

Garden watching

Freddie and william

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